Mesh Growth

Hello we have had some success with a node on the VE7RVA tower. What are your current plans for implementation and growth?

We honestly haven’t had a lot of activity since our previous failures. We’re open to trying again, though. We couldn’t hit your tower at all from Surrey.

@VA7UY, is your mesh open for other areas to join and if so what modem settings (i.e. long/fast) are you using.

We configured Surrey nodes to use long/slow and with no encryption key. Unforntuately the most nodes we could find operators for was 8 - which was not sufficient to permit reliable peer-to-peer connections. With limited success, some operators shut down their nodes and now we have fewer available for a mesh. I would like to discuss with you the sucess that you have had on RVA. Could you post your email address.


We have the default Long/fast with the default encryption. We have other private channels configured as well. 915mhz

Todays Map

My contact info is in QRZ. Call or email anytime.